Translated from the original Spannish article.
On Saturday, May 15, 2021, a failure in the sewerage network in A Coruña, Spain, caused flooding and power outages in parking lots, homes, and shops for more than 12 hours. The event occurred more precisely in the center between Juana de Vega Street and the Obelisk. The firefighters responded to the calls after nine in the morning and until seven in the afternoon they were incapable to remove the water from the affected places.
The intense rainy season in northern Spain has caused an increase in flood emergencies, as well as damage to the power lines and power distribution wells, generating blackouts, voltage spikes, and even short circuits, affecting the operation and business productivity, which have been more than harmed after the coronavirus restrictions, forcing them to close their doors to the public until the restoration of electricity supply.
In certain cases, some citizens could not return to their ordinary activities, because they noticed that the bilge pumps have been submerged, making it impossible to extract water. The basement flooding is an unpleasant problem that many affected homeowners, instead of dealing with it, prefer to wait and let the problem go away on its own. Such an attitude is dangerous and can have fatal consequences for the home in the long run. The water pump system is the first line of flood protection in a home or establishment.
iSocket Water Sensor

A solution to this kind of problem is iSocket Water Sensor, which allow you to track activity and timely detect any anomalies that may arise in these cases. For example, rapid detection of potential floods in commercial establishments, hotels, parking lots and homes. With iSocket it is possible to know about the precise operation of the bilge pumps, required to eliminate the consequences of a flood, and in the event of water flooding will inform you by text or voice message on your mobile phone that the pump has stopped draining.